Everyday Supernatural Power


“In the Old Testament the unique empowering of the Spirit was given to an individual primarily to enable him to carry out the special responsibilities God had given.” – NIV Study Bible Text Note, Judges 11:29

Most of us are very familiar with the narrative of Peter’s collapse as a disciple, denying Jesus three times. Have you ever thought about how Peter was hoping it might go, when he followed Jesus and the mob that had just arrested Him? We can’t be sure but maybe, Peter was hoping that Jesus would do a miracle and free Himself and begin to set up His Kingdom? Or maybe Peter was just waiting for Jesus to reveal Himself clearly to the religious leaders who would accept His claim to be the Messiah? Whatever the case, we can be pretty positive that Peter didn’t follow at a distance that night in hopes that, 3 times when asked about his connection to Jesus, he would deny knowing Him at all. I mean we can imagine that Peter’s full energy was focused in not doing that since he said as much to Jesus just a few hours earlier (Mark 14:31). So, how did all those good intentions end in bitter weeping? Again there are many factors at work here but, the lack of the Holy Spirit’s empowering presence has to go near the top of any such list. Peter couldn’t follow Jesus without the Holy Spirit’s empowering just as you or I cannot.

But, we need to make sure that we do not seek the empowering of the Holy Spirit only for ‘special occasions.” For our God-given responsibilities are not only at moments of high stress or serious testing, they are for everyday life. We are followers of Jesus 24/7. We are to be salt and light all the time. And if we are to succeed, we need the Holy Spirit’s empowering. If not, our efforts will end in bitter weeping at our failure. Be encouraged though friend, God is glad to give you the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit’s resources (empowering, gifting, guiding). The Holy Spirit’s presence and all the He brings into our lives are available always. How do we experience them more fully? We seek Christ more deeply. We seek the Holy Spirit in humble dependence. We admit that we cannot live this life of following Jesus on our own. We repent for the times we’ve tried to do so.

What if you and I lived more in the empowering of the Holy Spirit? What if it were just 10% more? That would be a 10% improvement in our life as a Christ follower. With a God who loves to do exceedingly more than we can think, ask or imagine, answering our sincere request, I am pretty optimistic that 10% is a very conservative estimate. Everyone and everything is being shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. What if in the midst of that change, we embraced a far more lasting change? What if we refused to keep letting our best efforts get in the way of humbly depending on the Holy Spirit? I am convinced that supernatural equipping is available for everyday living. If we lean in, who but God can know, what happens next?

For personal reflection: Remember a time in your life where you knew for sure that the Holy Spirit empowered you as a Christ follower to do what Jesus wanted you to do. (It could be a situation, a moment or a season) What led to that experience?

Digging Deeper, Discussion Questions and Application Resources:

Read Luke 22:54-62. Read Acts 4:1-22.

Make a compare and contrast chart (see below). What makes these two passages alike? What makes them different? What were the outcomes?

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Take an everyday activity in your life and do a compare and contrast accomplishing that task without the Holy Spirit’s empowering or with the Holy Spirit’s empowering. (see example below)

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What are helpful ways to “lean into” the Holy Spirit’s empowering?

What are distractions that keep you from leaning into the Holy Spirit’s empowering?

How do you want to grow in dependency on the Holy Spirit this week? What is one specific area where you want to ask God to empower you by the Spirit to follow Jesus better?

Video Links: Ron Walburn’s Testimony, Big Idea Video for this core value (for kids)