All of Us Together

After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go.  He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. –Luke 10:1-3, NIV

Major League Baseball may be on a break but, that didn’t keep me from swinging and missing on Sunday. As we worked through the passage on Jesus sending out the 72, I tried to lay out the ways their mission and ours were alike and not alike. What did I miss? Only the biggest difference there is to be noted between us and them: our place in redemptive history. What do I mean? They didn’t know about Jesus what you know about Jesus. They couldn’t because, Jesus hadn’t gone to the cross, the grave, or His heavenly throne yet. They didn’t know Jesus would be the King of kings, Lord of lords. They didn’t know that at His name every knee will bow and every tongue confess His Lordship. But we do! How much more should this urge us on in our mission to share the news that the Kingdom of heaven is near to lost people everywhere?

There is plenty to be fearful of in our world right now. If you’ve been out to a grocery store you may have been able to see and sense the general anxiety and fear that is gripping people. You might be scared for yourself or your loved ones. Fear is natural in a whole new world like the one that is emerging before our very eyes. But, can I remind you of something very reassuring to the soul, in this fear rich environment? You and I have a Savior who is stronger than death. A Savior who is our Healer. Does this mean that you and I will be safe through COVID-19? No. But it does mean that as we navigate a very different world, we still have good news for all who will listen. Our mission to share this good news has been pressed upon us all the more urgently. For many, their ‘saviors’ are being wrecked. Medical science cannot fix this crisis. Politicians and government officials cannot fix this crisis. Money and all that it can buy in the way of toilet paper and hand sanitizer will not insulate us from this virus. Social distancing and self-quarantine cannot fix what is really wrong with us. Jesus’ saving is stronger than any force that can come against it. He alone offers us a hope that is stronger than fear. Let that good news grip your soul. Let the reality of it sink deep. Then don’t keep that good news to yourself!

Questions for discussion:

·         What is your greatest fear in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic? How does Jesus and His saving reign supreme in your greatest fear?

·         How will you remember to preach the gospel to yourself in the midst of all that is happening? What way(s) will you remind yourself of bedrock truth during a rapidly shifting environment?

·         What new opportunity to share the gospel has emerged in the midst of all the changes that have marked the last two weeks?

For Teens/Tweens:

·         It is okay to admit that we are afraid. God’s counsel to us is to not fear (something the Bible repeats 360+ times!). What are your fears in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic? How does what you know to be true about God and Jesus combat those fears?

·         How can you be most helpfully reminded of the truths of God’s love and salvation during this very stress filled time?

·         What new opportunity to share the good news of the hope we have in Jesus is available to you now that wasn’t a week ago?

For Kids:

·         Fear is normal when we don’t know what might happen. Remember the first time you did something new? Your first dentist appointment? Your first day of school? It is okay to be afraid but, God doesn’t want us to stay afraid. He wants us to remember that He is with us and loves us. Those things will never change. “All may change but Jesus never.” (Hebrews 13:6) Sharing our fears with someone else is so helpful. Tell your mom or dad what is making you afraid in all the changes that have happened. Ask them to pray with you about your fears.

Video links to enjoy!

For everyone!

For kids!