Love: Day 2

I Corinthians 13:1-13

Love is at the very center of the Christian faith. Paul tells that at the end of all things, there are three things which remain-faith, hope and love. He then says the greatest of these is love. Sometimes though, we do not understand the importance of something until we are it is missing. If you have ever tried to make a recipe without one of the ingredients, you know this to be true. A cake without baking soda is as hard as a rock.  This is how Paul begins his discussion about love. We can do the most incredible things but if we don’t have love flowing through them, they fall flat. This is a scary reality for us because Paul leaves no wiggle room on what love is or does. Love is patient, kind, does not envy, does not boast, it is not proud… Yikes! That is a pretty big bill to fill. How do we have love like that? There is only one way to have the kind of love that Paul says is so important to living the Christian life. We have to allow God to give it to us. God’s love is the only kind of love that has and does all that Paul lists for us here. His is the only love that will last forever. Our key to living in love is to let God’s love fill us and flow through us to others in each moment.

Prayer focus: Thank God for His love. It is perfect in every way. Ask God to allow His love to flow through you to others today.

Harvest Lane Alliance Church