Love: Day 1

Romans 8:28-39

The promises in this short passage from Romans 8 could be thought over for a lifetime and we would still only have scratched the surface. Take for instance the fact that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him. What an amazing promise! We can know that no matter what comes into our lives; God is working good through them. Or take another one, that in all things we are more than conquerors. We can live victoriously no matter what problems or enemies we face in this life. After all, if “God is for us who can be against us?” What is the foundation of these promises? Is it our power to live rightly and obey God’s commands? Is it in our faith; that in the strength of our will-power we realize these truths? No! These promises rest upon the unchanging, unbeatable, unstoppable love of Christ. That love is so strong that nothing in all creation can keep us from knowing it. There is no distance that God’s love cannot bridge, no depth or height to which it cannot go. We who know Christ’s love never have to doubt God’s promises either. If God loves us that much, we can know His promises are true.

Prayer focus: Pray that God would remind you of His great love for you. Thank God that His promises are true and that we can know that because of His ever-present love.

Harvest Lane Alliance Church