A Missionary Society
He (Jesus) said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” - Acts 1:7-8
For most of us, personal evangelism will need to begin with an apology rather than apologetics. Apologetics is the important and necessary work of defending our faith and answering questions that come from skeptics or those with opposing world views. More often than not, fear that we cannot do apologetics well enough paralyzes our witness. So, we know someone who we know doesn’t know Jesus in a life-giving relationship and we never say anything about the way that Jesus has transformed our life. Instead we talk about the weather, or sports or fashion or well anything else. And here then is where the apology must be put in the lead; because we owe it to that person. Think of it like this: if you had the cure for a life-threatening disease that your neighbor had and instead of telling them about it you talked with them about everything else- how would they feel? If you decided now after 2 years to tell them about it, how would you begin that conversation? Probably with, “I need to ask your forgiveness because there is something I believe to be life-changing for you and I’ve never told you about it.” Or conversely, think of the response of one person I know of who was brought into a life-giving relationship with Jesus. This individual was genuinely mad because they felt cheated. Their comment was something along the lines of, “How did you not tell me this news sooner if you genuinely believe that Jesus is the only way to eternal life?” That’s an excellent question. I’ve found the most challenging step in personal witness is the first one. And often it’s because I fear either losing a friend or losing an argument. What if this blows up my relationship to my neighbor and now they don’t like me? What if they ask the question of evolution or the age of the earth? Rarely do I let my “what ifs” entertain the positive side of the scenario; What if my neighbor becomes a Christian? What if they win their friends? What if they are deeply hurting and wondering if God exists or cares? What if they are wishing that someone would believe in something or someone enough to talk to them about it? Our most powerful tool in sharing our faith is witness. Giving testimony to what we’ve experienced and heard and seen as a follower of Jesus. If we have genuine compassion and love for the lost around us, we will be compelled to witness.
For personal reflection: When will you have this conversation with the loved one or friend that came to mind as you read this blog?
For WEDnesday Discussion:
For Church-wide engagement- What are ways that you would like us to try to reach our Jerusalem? Our Judea? Our Samaria? The ends of the earth?
Who/what did God use to witness to you?
What is the biggest hurdle for you in witness? God helping you, how will you move beyond it?
Dependence on the Holy Spirit and His empowering is key to effective witness. How do you know if you are depending on the Holy Spirt or being self-reliant? What has helped you grow in dependence on the Holy Spirit?
When the end of all things will come is a routine obsession among the people of God. Our work is to be busy about the business of the King and all the more as we see the end coming. What helps you to remember the urgency of the mission on which God has you? How will you/do you keep that urgency in the day-to-day stuff of life?
For additional study: Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-16, Luke 24:45-49, John 20:21-22