Ash wednesday
mar. 5th @ 7pm

Ash Wednesday is our departure point into a 40 day journey called Lent. It is a solemn service of the church in which worshipers are confronted with their frailty and sin. When we receive ashes on our forehead or hand, we are entering into a symbolic practice of heartfelt sorrow and repentance for our sin and sinfulness.

night of worship
mar. 30th @ 7pm

Join us for a night of worship filled with singing and scripture. This event welcomes everyone, offering a space to come together in fellowship and praise. We will gather to lift our voices in song and reflect on the fact that Jesus is alive!

palm Sunday
Apr. 13th @ 10am

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, commemorating the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. As He rode on a donkey, crowds gathered, waving palm branches and shouting praises. This event holds deep significance, symbolizing peace and the fulfillment of prophecy. It sets the stage for the events leading to His crucifixion and resurrection. As we reflect on Palm Sunday, may we embrace the humility and love that Christ demonstrated, preparing our hearts for the celebrations of Easter.

good friday
apr. 18th @ 7pm

Join us for a Good Friday service as we reflect on the meaning of sacrifice and love from various biblical perspectives. All are invited as we honor the profound love demonstrated through sacrifice.

apr. 20th @ 10am

Join us at Harvest Lane Alliance Church for a family-friendly Easter service. Celebrate the life, love, and resurrection of Jesus in a welcoming atmosphere. We look forward to sharing this special day with you!