Joy: Day 2
We have all met people who seem to have unending joy. Even when a difficult moment comes, there seems to be a silver lining in every cloud and a brighter tomorrow for every dreary day. How does someone keep up that kind of joy? Do they have some secret formula? In our scripture today, Jesus told His disciples the secret to knowing His joy in their lives and having complete joy as a result. And what is that secret? To do what He commands. In the end, the road of joy goes through the way of obedience. Jesus tells us here, if we obey His commands, we will remain in His love. To know that we are loved by God is the ultimate joy any person can have. When we are obedient, we know the Son and the Father are pleased with us, and there is nothing which inspires joy like pleasing God. If we are not experiencing Jesus’ joy in our lives, or complete joy inside of us, we need to check our obedience first. Jesus explains that there is no secret formula for His joy being in us and our joy being complete. Simple obedience is all that is required of us.
Prayer focus: Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any area in which you aren’t following Him. Ask Him to forgive you of not obeying and to help you live a life that is pleasing to Him. Thank God that Jesus’ joy can be in us and that our joy can be complete just by obeying Him.