Peace: Day 7

Isaiah 9:2-7

Prince of Peace. That is the title that the prophet Isaiah gives to Jesus.  What an amazing name for our Savior! In this same passage, Isaiah tells about what will happen on earth when Jesus returns. He will bring an end to battle and a peace and government which are eternal. And so, we understand that the title “Prince of Peace” is perfect for Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. As the Prince of Peace, He brings peace between God and man, taking away our sin. He brings peace to the hearts and lives of His followers as they trust His promises and know the power of His presence. With excitement, we wait for His return just as we now look forward to Christmas morning. When the Prince of Peace returns, then for all eternity, peace in its most final and perfect form will be all we know!

Prayer focus: Pray that you would know the powerful rule of the Prince of Peace in your own life. Thank God for the soon and certain return of the Prince of Peace.

Harvest Lane Alliance Church