Merry Christmas!

Welcome to DIY Christmas Service

We hope you have a great Christmas day with your loved ones. Below is the order we recommend going in as your guide yourself through HLAC’s DIY Christmas service.

We’ll see you at 11am next Sunday as we come together again in 2023.

Read Luke 2:1-20

Pull out your Bible and read Luke 2:1-20 as a family.


Ben hand picked carols just for this service. Listen here. Enjoy!


Have at least one member of your family share their story of how God’s story of redemption has become a part of their personal story. In other words, share how Jesus has rescued and changed you.

  1. Tell what you were like before you believed in and followed Jesus.
    Your thoughts, words or actions. This doesn’t need to be a long list of sins but, should make clear the reality that you were a sinner who needed rescue.

  2. Tell who helped explain the good news of Jesus to you.          
    Where were you? How did you feel? This doesn’t have to be one person- often it is multiple people.

  3. Tell why you chose Jesus to be your Lord and Savior.               
    What helped you decide? It might be life circumstances or God’s convicting by the Holy Spirit but, something moved you from not being a follower of Jesus to asking for Jesus’ rescue and Lordship of your life. Focus on that moment and what got you to that moment.

  4. Tell how Jesus has changed you now that you believe in and follow Him.
    Your thoughts, words or actions. This shouldn’t be exhaustive. But, choose one thought or word or action that is more Christlike now that you know and are following Jesus. You may also want to include how you know for sure that you are a child of God.


Watch Pastor Dan’s brief devotional.


Dear God, we pause on this Christmas day to remember and celebrate Jesus’ birth. We ask for the blessing of the abiding presence of Jesus in our lives. May His hope fill us with expectation. May His peace reassure us in our anxious world. May His joy gladden our hearts. May His love move us to love others. Bless us with these good gifts so that we can bless those around us and point them to Your Son. Give us patience as we eagerly look forward to Jesus’ return. Send Him soon we pray, Amen.