Patient Discipleship

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; but the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem.  When the disciples James and John saw this, they asked, “Lord, do you want us to call fire down from heaven to destroy them?” But Jesus turned and rebuked them.  Then he and his disciples went to another village. – Luke 9:51-56, NIV

What a patient disciple maker Jesus is! Here James and John are obviously missing the response Jesus hopes they have. We don’t get from Luke any detail of the rebuke Jesus has for them, but we can be sure it was full of grace and truth. Over and beyond that though, that next sentence is the one that grabs me. “Then he and his disciples went to another village.”  Jesus doesn’t end their discipleship in the midst of their epic failure. He journeys on with them, patiently teaching, encouraging, rebuking, empowering, and giving them opportunities to demonstrate their growth. In fact, in the opening verse of chapter 10, Jesus is sending out James and John (and 70 other disciples) to prepare other villages for his arrival.  This is encouraging. Because, we are not perfect followers of Jesus (insert dramatic gasp here). We fail and when we do, it is so helpful to remember we have a patient Rabbi. He has a demonstrated track record of working with followers who mess things up. He has a consistent and clear history of graciously forgiving their mistakes and giving them another opportunity. I wonder if any of the people in the village that refused Jesus’ visit here were among those who received the Gospel when Phillip proclaimed it among the Samaritans? Even more so, I wonder if when Peter and John went to encourage the new believers and proclaim the good news among the Samaritans if they came to the same town? (see Acts 8:14-25) Even if it wasn’t that ‘Hollywood’, it had to be so harkening to John to see Samaritans accept the good news about Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit’s baptism. What a better way for fire to fall among these people who God loved! How amazingly like our redemptive God to bring John back to a moment of failure in a way that ministered healing and unfolded more of the incredible rescue plan God had put in motion. So, here is something to think on and never forget: Jesus is a patient disciple maker. And He intends to make a disciple out of you. Be encouraged in your next mistake, Jesus’ grace and truth will be there for you. AND so will His commitment to you. He will head on to the next village (or day) with you. He will keep teaching and training, rebuking and encouraging, equipping and empowering you.


Questions for life application/discussion:

·        What is your natural response to correction/rebuke? (willingly accept, push back, denial, blame shifting)

·        What is your natural response when you realize that you’ve made a mistake? (admit it, hide it, blame others…)

·        How has God brought rebuke/correction into your life? (His voice, His Word, other believers…)

·        Think back over your story, what is one example where God took an area of failure and over time grew you? Do you have a ‘full circle’ moment like John encountered in Acts 8?